Singing Guide: Carnival in Flanders

Singing Guide: Carnival in Flanders

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like the characters in Carnival in Flanders, you must understand their unique vocal style and the songs which showcase it.

The soundtrack of Carnival in Flanders is full of lively and energetic songs that reflect the carnival atmosphere. The most prominent characteristic of the movie's vocal performance is the rich and dynamic belting. This is most evident in the opening song, "Le Jour D'ouverture," where the memorable chorus contains ample belting.

To learn the distinct vocal style of Carnival in Flanders, you should start by identifying your voice type and vocal range. To do so, you can take the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test, which compares the range of your voice with that of famous singers.

Once you have identified your vocal range, you can take advantage of Singing Carrots Pitch Training, where you can get interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility. ( Such training will enable you to improve your singing with the correct vocal exercises for your voice type.

Additionally, 'Le Jour D'ouverture' displays an excellent example of chest voice, which you can learn more about in the Singing Carrots video series explaining Chest Voice Explained ( The use of chest voice in this song is critical in forming the belting style prominent within the film. There are numerous video series on Singing Carrots' website which give examples, guidance, and exercises to improve belting in singing.

It's also important to warm up your voice before every singing session. You can incorporate Singing Carrots' Farinelli Breathing and Humming exercises to ensure proper breathing technique and to achieve good vocal quality from the beginning of the vocal session. You can find these exercises in the video series provided on and

Finally, to learn the proper articulation needed to sing like the characters of Carnival in Flanders, you can take advantage of Singing Carrots' Articulation video series (

Combining the resources offered by Singing Carrots, some practice, and analysis of the songs from Carnival in Flanders, you are sure to develop the vocal style showcased in the movie.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.